"Title" | Year |
Abolition of Minimum Punishments Act
1882 |
Abolition of Unnecessary Oaths Act
1864 |
Absconding Debtors Act
1977 |
Accessories and Abettors Act
1887 |
Accreditation (Amendment) Act, 2011
2011 |
Accreditation (Amendment) Act, 2012
2012 |
Accreditation (Amendment) Act, 2021
2021 |
Accreditation Act 2006
2006 |
Accreditation Act 2006, The
2006 |
Acetate of Lead (Prohibition) Act
1850 |
Administration of Estates by Consulars Officers Act
1941 |
Administration of Insolvent Estates Act
1887 |
Administration of Small Estates Act 2004
2004 |
Adoption of Children Act
1944 |
Advance Passenger Information (Amendment) Act, 2018
2018 |
Advanced Passenger Information Act, 2016
2016 |
Aerodromes Act
1952 |
Age of Majority Act
1984 |
Agricultural Small Holdings (Regulation of Rentals) Act
1953 |
Agricultural Small Holdings Act
1939 |
Aid to Pioneer Industries Act
1950 |
Airport Administration Charge (Amendment) Act, 2024
2024 |
Airport Administration Charge Act, 2012
2012 |
Airport Authority (Amendment) Act, 2012
2012 |
Airport Authority Act, 2006
2006 |
Alfred Challenger (Special Gratuity and Pension) Act
1966 |
Aliens Restriction Act
1929 |
Animal Health Act, 2017
2017 |
Animals (Diseases and Importation) Act
1953 |
Animals (International Movement and Disease) Act
1987 |
Anti-Gang Act, 2024
2024 |
Antibiotics and Therapeutic Substances Act
1951 |
Antigua & Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) Act, 2019
2019 |
Antigua & Barbuda Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2018
2018 |
Antigua and Babruda Labour Code (Amendment) Act, 2011, The
2011 |
Antigua and Barbuda (Development Loan) Act 2002
2002 |
Antigua and Barbuda (General Loans) Act 2002
2002 |
Antigua and Barbuda Agricultural Development Corporation Act
1979 |
Antigua and Barbuda Brazil Co-operation (Ratification of Agreement) Act
1986 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2021
2021 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Act
1982 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship By Investment (Amendment ) Act, 2018
2018 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2016
2016 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2016
2016 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) Act, 2014
2014 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) Act, 2016
2016 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) Act, 2020
2020 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship By Investment (Amendment) Regulations 2020
2020 |
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship By Investment Act, 2013
2013 |
Antigua and Barbuda Constitution Order
1981 |
Antigua and Barbuda Development Bank (Amendment) Act 2003
2003 |
Antigua and Barbuda Development Bank Act
1974 |
Antigua and Barbuda Development Corporation Limited (Guarantee of Indebtedness) Act
1976 |
Antigua and Barbuda Electricity Board (Declaration of Pensionable Offices) Act
1959 |
Antigua and Barbuda Hospitals Board Act, 1999
1999 |
Antigua And Barbuda Institute of Continuing Education Act, 2008, The
2008 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code
1975 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2019
2019 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) Act 1998
1998 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) Act, 2007, The
2007 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) Act, 2017
2017 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) Act, 2020
2020 |
Antigua and Barbuda Labour Code (Amendment) Act, 2022
2022 |
Antigua and Barbuda LIAT (1974) Limited (Acquisition) Loan Act 1994
1994 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment ) Act, 2017
2017 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) (No 2) Act 1998
1998 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) (No 2) Act 2001
2001 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 1996
1996 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 1997
1997 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 2001
2001 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 2002
2002 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act 2003
2003 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act Cap 28 1998
1998 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2006
2006 |
Antigua And Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2007, The
2007 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2014
2014 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2020
2020 |
Antigua and Barbuda Merchant Shipping Act, 2006
2006 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Amendment) Act 2024
2024 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2008, The
2008 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2011
2011 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2012
2012 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Amendment) Act, 2017
2017 |
2019 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Transitional Provision and Consequential Amendments) (Amendment) Act, 2011
2011 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Transitional Provisions and Consequential (Amendment) Act 2008
2008 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendment) (Amendment) Act, 2008
2008 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax Act, 2006
2006 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax Transitional Provision and Consequential (Amendments) Act 2006
2006 |
Antigua and Barbuda Sugar Industry Corporation Act
1979 |
Antigua and Barbuda Survey Act
1945 |
Antigua and Barbuda Tax Information Exchange Act 2002
2002 |
Antigua Barbuda Sales Tax 2006
2006 |
Antigua Commercial Bank (Loan) Act 2001
2001 |
Antigua State College Act, 2013
2013 |
Apportionment Act
1887 |
Appropriate Act, 2005
2005 |
Appropriation (Development Fund) Act, 1993, The
1993 |
Appropriation (Development Fund) Act, 1994, The
1994 |
Appropriation (Development Fund) Act, 1995, The
1995 |