
Antigua & Barbuda

Green paper

A document containing Government policy proposals, issued for discussion purposes. Such a document does not represent a Government commitment to introduce legislation or to adopt a particular position.

Distinguish: white paper.

Synonym: discussion paper.

Grandfather clause

A clause protecting a prerogative of an individual or a collectivity from being affected by the new legislation.

Governor-General’s Assent

The approval for a Bill to become and Act after it has been passed by both Houses.

Governor-General Address

Address delivered to Parliament by His Excellency the Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda. This is usually done at Ceremonial Openings of Parliament.

Government business

Any bill or motion introduced in the House by a Minister or Parliamentary Secretary.

Government bill

Any bill introduced by a Minister.


The political party/group of parties (coalition) with the most representatives in the Parliament usually forms the Government.

General election

An election following dissolution at which MPs are selected for every electoral district. MPs are elected by a simple plurality of the votes, which are cast by secret ballot.

Compare: by-election.


Areas in the House set aside for the public, the press and distinguished visitors who wish to attend a sitting.