
Antigua & Barbuda

Laws or Acts of Parliament In Alphabetical Order



East Caribbean Baptist Mission (Incorporation) Act 1996 1996
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Rate of Pension of Judges) Act 1989
Eastern Caribbean Asset Management Corporation Act, 2015 2015
Eastern Caribbean Asst Management Corporation (Amendment) Act, 2017 2017
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (Amendment) Act 2013 2013
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Act 1983
Eastern Caribbean Civil Aviation Agreement Act 2003 2003
Eastern Caribbean Common Market (Ratification of Agreement) Act 1968
Eastern Caribbean Court (Sentencing Guidelines) Rules, 2019 2019
Eastern Caribbean Home Mortgage Bank Agreement Act 1995 1995
Eastern Caribbean Magistrates Agreement Act, 2012 2012
Eastern Caribbean Partial Credit Guarantee Corporation Agreement Act, 2017 2017
Eastern Caribbean Securities Regulatory Commission Agreement Act, 2020 2020
Eastern Caribbean States Export Development Agency Act 1993 1993
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Amendment) Act 2000 2000
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Amendment) Act 2005 2005
Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court Act 1970
Education (Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Education Act 1973
Education Act, 2008, The 2008
Electoral Commission Appropriation (2002) Act 2002 2002
Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Act, 2018 2018
Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Act, 2019 2019
Electronic Crimes (Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Electronic Crimes Act, 2013 2013
Electronic Evidence Act, 2013 2013
Electronic Transactions (Amendment) Act, 2016 2016
Electronic Transactions Act 2013 2013
Electronic Transactions Act, 2006 2006
Electronic Transfer of Funds Crimes Act 2007
Embarkation (Seaport) Tax Act, 2013 2013
Embarkation Tax (Amendment) Act 1998 1998
Embarkation Tax (Repeal) Act, 2012 2012
Embarkation Tax Act 1966
Embarkation Tax Act 2002 2002
Emergency Powers (Hurricane, Earthquake, Fire or Flood) Act 1957
Emergency Powers Act 1967
Emigrant Labourers Protection Act 1924
Emigrants Protection Act 1929
Employment of Children Prohibition Act 1939
Enactment (Leeward Islands Acts) Act 1956
Engineers (Professions) Act 2018 2018
Engineers (Registration) (Amendment) Act 1993 1993
Engineers (Registration) (Amendment) Act, 2009, The 2009
Engineers (Registration) Act 1987
Entertainments Duty Act 1948
Environmental Protection and Management Act 2019
Environmental Protection and Management Act, 2015 2011
Environmental Protection Levy (Amendment) Act, 2023 2023
Environmental Protection Levy Act 2002 2002
Essential Services Act, 2008, The 2008
Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2009, The 2009
Evidence (Amendment) Act, 2012 2012
Evidence (Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions) Act 1981
Evidence (Speacial Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 2017, The 2017
Evidence (Special Provisions) (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2016 2016
Evidence (Special Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 2016 2016
Evidence (Special Provisions) Act, 2009, The 2009
Evidence Act 1876
Exchange Control Act 1958
Excise Act 1903
Explosives Act 1949
Export Duty Act 1941
Exportation of Arms and Warlike Stores Act 1901
Exportation of Fruit Act 1939
External Trade Act 1958
Extradition Act 1947
Extradition Act 1993 1993
Extradition Treaty Ratification Act 2000 2000