
Antigua & Barbuda

Laws or Acts of Parliament In Alphabetical Order



Sale of Goods Act 1949
Salvation Army Incorporation and Vesting Act 1981
Savings Bank Act 1937
Securities (Amendment) Act 2005 2005
Securities Act 2001 2001
Securities Act, 2001 2001
Securities Act, 2020 2020
Security Assistance Act 2007 2007
Sedition and Undesirable Publications Act 1938
Sentence of Death (Expectant Mothers) Act 1953
Settled Estates Act 1895
Seventh Day Adventist Church Incorporation (Amendment) Act, 2019 2019
Seventh-Day Adventist Church Incorporation (Amendment) Act, 2013 2013
Seventh-Day Adventist Church Incorporation Act 1927
Sexual Offences Act 1995 1995
Shops Regulation Act 1941
Signatures to Petitions Act 1916
Silver Dollars Act 1877
Sir George H Walter (Pension and Other Benefits) Act 2003 2003
Slaughter of Cattle (Control) Act 1941
Slum Clearance and Housing Act 1948
Small Business Development Act, 2007, The 2007
Small Charges (Amendment) Act, 2008, The 2008
Small Charges Act 1892
Small Craft Control Act, 2015 2015
Small Tenements Act 1892
Small Trespass Act 1892
Social Protection (Amendment) Act, 2021 2021
Social Protection (Amendment) Act, 2022 2022
Social Protection Act, 2020 2020
Social Security (Amendment) Act 2005 2005
Social Security (Amendment) Act, 2016, The 2016
Social Security Act 1972
Society of St Vincent de Paul (Incorporation) Act 1998 1998
Special Economic Zone (Amendment) Act, 2019 2019
Special Economic Zone (Amendment) Act, 2021 2021
Special Economic Zone Act, 2015 2015
Special Fund (Eldra Bachelor) Act 1983
St. Clair Simmonds and Solomon Bachelor Pensions Act 1967
St. John’s Churchyard Act 1880
St. John’s Development (Agreements) (Ratification) Act 1988
St. John’s Development Corporation Act 1986
Stamp (Amendment) Act 2005 2005
Stamp (Amendment) Act, 2006 2006
Stamp (Amendment) Act, 2008 2008
Stamp (Amendment) Act, 2008, The 2008
Stamp (Amendment) Act, 2019 2019
Stamp Act 1887
Standards Act 1987
Standards Act, 2017, The 2017
State Immunity Act 1981
State Insurance Corporation (Transfer of Assets And Liabilities) Act, 2011, The 2011
State Insurance Corporation Act 1986
Status of Children Act 1987
Status of Children Act, 2015 2015
Status of Visiting Police Forces Act, 2007, The 2007
Statutes Act 1967
Statutory Corporations (General Provisions) (Amendment) Act 2021 2021
Statutory Corporations (General Provisions) (Amendment) Act, 2019 2019
Statutory Corporations (General Provisions) Act, 2016 2016
Statutory Instruments, No. 5 1997
Statutory Reprints Act 1984
Stem Cell Research and Therapy (Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Stem Cell Research and Therapy Act, 2019. 2019
Street Boundaries Act 1890
Sugar Export Cess Act 1947
Sugar Quotas Act 1937
Summary Jurisdiction Act 1874
Summary Jurisdiction(Repeal) Act 1994 1994
Supervisor of Elections (Retirement Age) Act 1989
Supplementary Appropriation (1992) Act 1993 1993
Supplementary Appropriation (1993) Act 1995 1995
Supplementary Appropriation (1994) Act 1995 1995
Supplementary Appropriation (1995) Act 1996 1996
Supplementary Appropriation (2016) Act, 2022 2022
Supplementary Appropriation (2018) Act, 2022 2022
Supplementary Appropriation (Oct 2015 to Dec 2015) Act, 2022 2022
Supplementary Appropriation 2014 (Ratification) Act, 2015 2015
Supplementary Appropriation Act 1993 1993
Supplementary Appropriation Act, 1996 1996
Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2015 2015
Supplementary Appropriation Act, 2022 2022
Supply of Goods and Services (Implied Terms) Act 1991
Suppression of Terrorism Act 1993 1993
Suppression of Torture Act 1993 1993
Supreme Court (Amendment) Order 2020 2020
Supreme Court Order 1967
Sworn Weighers and Gaugers Act 1889