"Title" | Year |
Factors Act
1887 |
Fatal Accidents Act
1924 |
Female Persons of Unsound Mind (Protection) Act
1923 |
Finance Administration Act, 2006
2006 |
Finance and Audit Act
1985 |
Financial Institutions (Non-Banking) Act
1985 |
Financial Services Regulatory Commission (Amendment) Act, 2017
2017 |
Financial Services Regulatory Commission Act, 2013
2013 |
Fire Brigades Act
1954 |
Firearms (Amendment) Act, 2015
2015 |
Firearms (Amendment) Act, 2016
2016 |
Firearms (Amendment) ACT, 2017
2017 |
Firearms Act
1973 |
Fiscal Incentives Act
1975 |
Fisheries Act
1984 |
Fisheries Act, 2006
2006 |
Football Pool Betting Tax Act
1975 |
Foreign Account Tax Compliance (United States of America) (Implementation and Enforcement of the inter-Governmental Agreement) Act, 2017
2017 |
Foreign Currency Levy Act
1976 |
Foreign Incursions and Mercenaries Act
1984 |
Foreign Merchant Shipping (Agreements) Act
1932 |
Forestry Act
1941 |
Forfeited Recognizances Act
1877 |
Forfeiture Act
1877 |
Forgery Act
1954 |
Fort James (Regulation) Act
1928 |
Franchises (Registration and Control) Act
1991 |
Fraud and Perjury Prevention Act
1786 |
Free Trade and Processing Zone (Amendment) Act, 2019
2019 |
Free Trade and Processing Zone Act 1994
1994 |
Freedom of Information Act 2004
2004 |
Friendly Societies (Amendment)
2014 |
Friendly Societies (Amendment) Act, 2017
2017 |
Friendly Societies Act
1928 |
Fugitive Offenders Act
1971 |
Fumigation of PlantsAct
1905 |