
Antigua & Barbuda

Laws or Acts of Parliament In Alphabetical Order



Paradise Found (Project) Act, 2015 2015
Parish Boundaries Act 1873
Partition Act 1895
Partnership Act 1888
Passenger Facility Charge (Amendment) Act 2003 2003
Passenger Facility Charge (Repeal) Act, 2012 2012
Passenger Facility Charge Act 2002 2002
Passengers Act 1908
Patent Act, 2018, The 2018
Patents (Amendment) Act 2022 2022
Patents Act 1906
Patents Act 2003 2003
Patents Act, 2012 2012
Pawnbrokers Act 1898
Payment System Act, 2007 2007
Pension (Non-Establised Government Employees) (Amendment) Act, 2019. 2019
Pension (Non-Establish Government Employees) Act 1967
Pensions (1959) Act 1960
Pensions (Amendment) Act, 2019 2019
Pensions (Increase) (1947) Act 1948
Pensions (Increase) (1953) Act 1953
Pensions (Increase) (1957) Act 1956
Pensions (Increase) (1969) Act 1969
Pensions (Increase) (1975) Act 1974
Pensions (Increase) (1980) Act 1978
Pensions (Increase) (1982) Act 1981
Pensions (Increase) (1986) Act 1984
Pensions (Increase) (1990) Act 1990
Pensions (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1985
Pensions (Non-Established Government Employees) (Amendment) Act 2005 2005
Pensions Act 1948
Pensions Gratuities (Parliamentary and Special Offices) Act 1979
Pentecostal Assemblies of the West Indies Incorporation and Vesting Act 1972
Perjury Act 1873
Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2008, The 2008
Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2009, The 2009
Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2013 2013
Personal Income Tax (Amendment) Act, 2016 2016
Personal Income Tax Act 2005 2005
Personal Income Tax Amendment Act, 2006, The 2006
Personal Income Tax Amendment Act, 2014 2014
Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals (Amendment) Act, 2022 2022
Pesticides and Toxic Chemicals Act, 2008, The 2008
Pesticides Control Act 1973
Petroleum Act 1949
Petroleum Industry (Encouragement) Act 1963
PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 2020 2020
PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) (Amendment) (No. 5) Regulations, 2020 2020
PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations, 2020 2020
PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) (Amendment) (No.4) Regulations, 2020 2020
PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020 2020
PHA (Dangerous Infectious Disease) (Covid-19) Regulations, 2020 2020
PHA (Declaration of A Dangerous Infectious Disease) Order, 2020 2020
Pharmacy (Amendment) Act, 2011, The 2011
Pharmacy (Amendment) Act, 2019., The 2019
Pharmacy Act 1995 1995
Physical Planning Act 2003 2003
Pilgrim Holiness Church Incorporation Act 1936
Plan of Arrangement (Baico and Clico) Act, 2015 2015
Plant Protection Act, 2012 2012
Police (Amendment) Act 1998 1998
Police (Amendment) Act, 2017, The 2017
Police (Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Police Act 1952
Police Pensions (Preservation of Rights) Act 1940
Poor Relief Act 1961
Port Authority (Amendment) Act, 2023 2023
Port Authority (Validation of Regulations) Act 1985
Port Authority Act 1973
Post Office Act 1909
Post Office Offences Act 1878
Praedial Larceny (Prevention) Act 1954
Precursor Chemicals Act, 2010 2010
Prescription Act 1882
Prevention of Corruption Act 2004 2004
Prevention of Crimes Act 1874
Prevention of Smuggling Act 1895
Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2008, The 2008
Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2010 2010
Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2016 2016
Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2016 2016
Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2017, The 2017
Prevention of Terrorism (Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2001 2001
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 2005
Prison (Amendment) Act 1998 1998
Prison (Amendment) Act, 2017 2017
Prison (Extramural Sentences) (Amendment) Act, 2014 2014
Prison (Extramural Sentences) Act 1950
Prison Act 1956
Prison Amendment Act, 2018 2018
Prisoners of War Act 1902
Private Security Registration Act, 2006 2006
Probates (Resealing) Act 1937
Probation of Offenders Act 1921
Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) (NO.2) Act 2017, The 2017
Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act 2019
Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act, 2008, The 2008
Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act, 2014 2014
Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Act, 2017, The 2017