
Antigua & Barbuda

Laws or Acts of Parliament In Alphabetical Order



Labour Commissioner (Amendment) Act, 2017, The 2017
Labour Commissioner Act 1951
Land Acquisition Act 1958
Land Adjudication Act 1975
Land Sales Duty Act 1965
Land Settlement Act 1939
Land Settlement and Development Board (Repeal) Act 1954
Land Surveyors Act 1975
Lands of Antigua and Barbuda Sugar Factory Limited and the Antigua and Barbuda Syndicate Estates Limited (Vesting) Act 1969
Larceny (Amendment) Act, 2017 2017
Larceny (Summary Offences) Act 1873
Larceny Act 1944
Law (Law Miscellaneous) Act, 2017 2017
Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act, 2020 2020
Law (Miscellaneous Amendment) Act, 2021 2021
Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) Act 2017 2017
Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2016 2016
Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2024 2024
Law Library Act 1910
Law Library Act 1994 1994
Law Miscellaneous (Amendment) Act, 2018 2018
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1957
Law Revision ( Miscellaneous) (Amendment) Act, 1999 1999
Law Revision (Amendment) Act 2005 2005
Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendment)(No. 2) Act,1995 1995
Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 1995 1995
Law Revision (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2004 2004
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) (No 2) Act 1998 1998
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) (No 2) Act 2000 2000
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) (No 2) Act 2001 2001
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) (No 3) Act 1998 1998
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) (No 3) Act 2000 2000
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) (No 3) Act 2001 2001
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) Act 1998 1998
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) Act 1999 1999
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) Act 2000 2000
Law Revision (Miscellaneous) (Amendments) Act 2001 2001
Law Revision Act 1988
Laws of Antigua and Barbuda Revised Edition 1992 (Repeal of Omitted Acts) Act 1995 1995
Lead Paint (Protection against Poisoning) Act 1928
Legal Profession (Amendment) Act, 2021 2021
Legal Profession Act 1997 1997
Legal Profession Act, 2008, The 2008
Legal Tender Act 1982
Lepers Act 1912
Libel and Slander Act 1876
Licensing (Intoxicating Liquor) (Amendment) Act, 2014 2014
Licensing (Intoxicating Liquor) (Amendment) Act, 2015 2015
Limitation (Amendment) Act, 2022 2022
Limitation Act 1997 1997
Litter (Amendment) Act 2004 2004
Litter Act 1983
Litter Control and Prevention Act, 2019 2019
Loan (Borrowing From Antigua Commercial Bank) Act, 2020 2020
Loan (Borrowing from the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago) Act 2004 2004
Loan (Borrowing from the the Antigua Commercial Bank) (Amendment) Act, 2021 2021
Loan Stock Authorisation Act 1976
Loan Stock Authorisation Act 2005 2005
Loans (Caribbean Development Bank) Act 1973
Loans (Financial Institutions) Act 1996 1996
Loans (Mount St Johns Hospital Construction and Equipping) Act 1998 1998
Loans (Mount St. John’s Hospital Construction and Equipping)(Amendment) Act 2002 2002
Loans (Rehabilitation of V.C. Bird International Airport) Act 1983
Local Constables Act 1921